Jitta will automatically calculate gain and loss of the portfolio, users need to only input buy/sell information.
Articles in this section
- Is it possible to separate Portfolio by country?
- Commission in Portfolio should include VAT or not?
- If the company paid dividend as stock share dividend, how should I input in Jitta Portfolio?
- How to input Warrant in Jitta Portfolio
- % YTD Return and % Total Gain in Jitta Portfolio, do user need to self calculate?
- If we did not take dividend or gain from stock to be reinvested in the Jitta Portfolio, do we have to withdraw the same amount out of the portfolio?
- I sold some shares from stock but why did the Average Price not make any changes?
- Why does Transaction still show bought and sold information of past stocks?
- I accidentally input wrong information in Portfolio, and want to recreate how to do it?
- In the Jitta Portfolio why does Cost Basis in the Summary page show a different total amount of share bought?