The number of shares that were used in "per share" formula to calculate Jitta Score and Jitta Line, is diluted shares. This include all the issued shares, can be common stocks or shares issued to raise capital, Jitta Score and Jitta Line will always show result of the diluted shares.
Articles in this section
- What is Jitta Line?
- What are the factors that go into calculating the Jitta Line?
- When to buy stocks by using Jitta Line criteria?
- For some stocks, Jitta Line is shown as a short brown line in the current year. What does that mean?
- Why does Jitta Line drag for the full year even though financial reports haven't been updated yet?
- Why is Jitta Line missing at some periods?
- When investing in a wonderful company, must we always wait until the market price is under the Jitta Line?
- Why a stock with high Jitta Score and the market price under Jitta Line has a better chance of making higher return but isn't well received by the market?
- What kind of factors drive the stock price to reach Jitta Line?
- Does Jitta Line take warrant into account?