Jitta Ranking is based on two combined analysis which are Jitta Score and Jitta Line, to help filter the most value companies at the most reasonable price. Having a high Jitta Score is definitely good, but it can also indicate the company is reaching its fullest growth. That is why sometimes it may be better to invest in a company that has lower score with a higher potential growth, but those companies must show consistent growth and spectacular management reflected in financial statements.
Articles in this section
- What is Jitta Ranking?
- How to calculate Jitta Ranking?
- Where to find today's Jitta Ranking?
- How to invest based on Jitta Ranking?
- How was the return by Jitta Ranking during the Hamburger crisis (2008)?
- When will Jitta Ranking be updated?
- Should we avoid cyclical stocks?
- Between Rebalancing every 12 months and rebalancing every time Jitta Ranking is updated, which one has better return?
- Buying Jitta Ranking ending or beginning of year which is better?
- What’s the difference between Jitta Ranking in Library and Explore by Country?