Once you have entered Explore by country from Home page. Jitta will rank the top to bottom rank of that day for you. You are free to choose to invest from top 5 or top 30 Jitta Ranking. It is important to remember that you should diversify your risks by investing in different stocks and not all in one. Jitta does not take into consider Top Jitta Ranking being in the same sectors or not, as our principle is reflected in "Wonderful Companies at reasonable price."
If you want to invest in Top 10 Jitta Ranking, then you must divide your investment into 10% and invest equally into each stock, so each stock will have an equal weight of 10% of your total investment.
Jitta standard guide is to rebalance your portfolio once a year, but you can choose to rebalance every 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year depending your risk taking and how well you can manage your portfolio. Don't forget the more you rebalance the high brokerage fee you will have! However, it is important that you have a regular rebalance interval, so that some stocks in the portfolio may not over-weight your portfolio risks.
If you want to invest into specific details, you can create a Jitta Playlist and choose your own criteria to follow and invest based on that Playlist.
Every time you reach your rebalance portfolio periods any stocks that are not listed in top 5 or top 30 of your investment strategy should be taken out and replace with the new stocks that are inside within your Jitta Ranking criteria.