Jitta currently does not allow you to export Factsheet and Financial data. However, we offer you the customized Factsheet to which you can add financial formula/ ratio/ indicator. You can choose to see or remove any data you want to create your own personalized financial data Factsheet. Whenever future financial data has been updated, our system will automatically adjust it into the format you have created. And you can reset it back to Jitta’s default format any time.
Articles in this section
- Why can’t I compare Factsheet on Mobile Phone?
- Can I download financial reports from Jitta?
- How to compare Factsheet data YOY?
- How do I find out the meaning of the numbers on the Factsheet page?
- Why do some stocks show the quarterly data in advance?
- What’s the difference between fiscal year and calendar year?
- Why do some companies’ revenues on set.or.th have different data from those on Jitta FactSheet?
- Can I export the financial data from Jitta Factsheet?