Jitta Playlist lets you devise your own investment strategies, so you make better investment decisions regardless of your investing style. It is composed of two main modules: the Screener and the backward-testing module. The screener helps you screen stocks with more than 100 criteria, including Jitta Intel and all the financial numbers, ratios and trends in the investment world. While the backward-testing module shows the compound annual growth rate of your investment strategy and risk compared to a market index.
You can also start with our preset Playlists to find out the returns possible with each popular investing strategy, from dividend to growth to turnaround, so you know which approach to adopt in a certain situation.
Once you’ve found a strategy to be a good fit with your investing style, you can save the Playlist and start investing and outperforming the market. This can help you assess for the best investment strategy and make rebalancing a habit, which will bring about the returns you’ve always wanted.
For more on how to use Jitta Playlist, please see our tutorial here.